Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Easy tactics money tricks to money way g1.0e

18. Money-making strategy: Take on housecleaning jobs

There's a variety of platforms online that you could tap into for doing this, or you could simply scour your neighborhood or post on social media. You could use Amazon's Home Services for this as well, or you could create your own simple, one-page website to advertise.

Either way, this is a terrific way to make upwards of $20 per hour or more doing a job that's often in high demand. You could easily make this a long-term gig if you perform well and don't cut corners.

Related: From $100 Million to Broke to Betting It All on Cryptocurrencies

3. Cancel automatic subscriptions and memberships.

Chances are, you’re paying for multiple subscriptions like Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, gym memberships, trendy subscription boxes and Amazon Prime. It’s time to cancel any subscriptions you don’t use on the regular. And make sure that you turn off auto-renew when you make a purchase. If you cancel it and decide you can’t go without it, subscribe again—but only if it fits into your new and improved budget.

And for those subscriptions you do want to keep around, think about sharing memberships with some family or friends. A lot of streaming services, like Netflix and Hulu, let you watch your favorite shows from two or more screens (with an upgraded account). That way, everyone wins—and saves!

3 Stay on track

Don’t let cash slip through your fingers. With digital bank Monzo you can transfer a set amount of spending money to your card while prepaid cards – like Monese and Transferwise – only let you spend what you load.

Too high tech? Set up a day to day spending account with its own card, and transfer your weekly disposable income on to it.

20. Use cash back apps and coupons.

Nothing beats a good, old-fashioned 20% off coupon when you’re buying something. But did you know there are plenty of cash back apps out there to help your savings go even further? Check out Ibotta, Rakuten and Honey (a browser extension).

22. Money-making strategy: Decorate homes for the holidays

Whether it's New Year's, Christmas lighting, Easter, Fourth of July or any other holiday, you can get paid to help decorate homes. This might involve putting up lights inside or outside, decorating trees, setting up games and decor.

Use the internet and social media to find clients, or simply advertise to your local network. There are loads of options when it comes to doing specialty jobs like this.

Related: 50 Ideas for a Lucrative Side Hustle

#10. Avoid a poverty mentality

easy tactics money tricks to money way

Many people consider thrift – using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully – a virtue.

However, while thrift is an obvious way to save, we need to guard against being too frugal, says Emma Johnson, founder of WealthySingleMommy.com.

“Ultimately, the only way to get ahead financially is to focus on earning, saving and investing,” Emma says.

“Focusing on skimping on the grocery and electricity bill will only get you so far, and puts you at risk of a poverty mentality.”

A poverty, or lack, mentality is one preoccupied with a shortage of money: all the things the person doesn’t have and can’t get, says Randy Gage, writing for getmotivation.com

These people tend to have self-limiting beliefs and to make decisions based on fear of loss or failure. In contrast, people with a prosperity, or abundance, mentality base their decisions on what the possible benefits are.

4. Transfer debt to a 0% deal

If you have a large amount of debt, perhaps on an overdraft or credit card, it is likely that you are paying high levels of interest. You could consider switching it all to a credit card with a 0% balance-transfer deal like the ones we have listed here.

These cards don’t charge any interest on your transferred debt for a set period, so you can stop giving your money to the bank and instead use all of it to pay off what you owe faster.

Watch out as you may have to pay a fee. Not everyone will get accepted for the best deals depending on your credit rating but it could be worth it in the long run.

11. Money-making strategy: Walk dogs

There are networks devoted connecting dog owners with dog walkers. Rover is one of the largest networks of dog walkers out there. Of course, you could also use social media or just knock on neighbors doors to advertise your services, but you can easily use one of these services.

Do a great job if you're serious about building a track record of solid reviews. That will help you make money in the future when you're in desperate need of it.

Family and Friends Savings Tips

27. Create a family spending limit on gifts. Discuss placing spending limits on gifts within your family and/or a system where you only purchase one gift for one person over the holidays. Not only will it relieve financial stress for your family, but it allows you to focus on what really matters during special occasions and holidays.

28. Plan gift-giving well in advance. To go alongside spending limits, give yourself time! You’ll ensure that you’re giving the most thoughtful gifts, which usually end up being not as expensive. Besides, it will also give you the opportunity to look for sales.

29. It’s never too soon to start saving for college. The last thing kids need is more “stuff.” Consider asking for donations to the college fund if you have enough clothes, toys, and other needs for your little ones.

30. Don't buy cheap clothes for cheap's sake. There are times where it makes most sense to prioritize quality over price when purchasing clothes for the family. An inexpensive shirt or coat is a poor bargain for older family members if it wears out in less than a year, but could make sense for quickly growing children.

31. Organize a neighborhood swap meet. Here’s how it works: gather your friends and neighbors with kids around the same age and everyone brings gently used clothing, books, and school supplies, toys, etc., and receives a ticket for each item they bring. Each ticket entitles you to one item from the swap meet. If you contribute six books, you can leave with up to six new-to-you books. If you contribute seven items of clothing, you can leave with up to seven new-to-you items of clothing. All leftover items are donated.

32. Designate one day a week a "no spend day." Reserve one night a week for free family and friends fun. Cook at home, and plan out free activities such as game night, watching a movie, or going to the park.

29. Money-making strategy: Conduct a webinar

Okay, it sounds intimidating but webinars are one of the best ways to earn cash quickly. You're speaking to a highly-engaged audience. If you position yourself and the offer correctly, you can make loads of money in a very short period.

GoToWebinar is by far the biggest platform. Webinar Jam is one of the most feature-rich platforms out there. Whichever you go with comes down to how well you can sell. It takes practice, but this is fast cash at its essence.

Related: 12 Realistic Ways to Make Your First $1 Million

6. Save money automatically.

Did you know that you can save money without thinking about it? Yup—you can set up your bank account to automatically transfer funds from your checking account into a savings account every month. If that sounds scary to you, you can also set up your direct deposit to automatically transfer 10% of each paycheck into your savings account. Boom!

7. Spend extra or unexpected income wisely.

When you get a nice work bonus (way to go!), inheritance or tax refund (or random stimulus!), put it to good use. And when we say “good use,” we aren’t talking about adding that fancy new stamp to your stamp collection or even just putting it in the bank to camp out.

If you’ve still got debt in your life, you’ll be better off using those funds to pay off your student loans or the balance on your credit card instead of stashing that money away. If you’re debt-free, use those extra dollars to build up your emergency fund—you know, for emergencies.

Bonus tip: If you get large tax refunds every year, it’s time to adjust the withholding on your paycheck so you can bring home even more money each month. Plus, you don’t want to give the government any more of your money than you have to, right?

3. Pay Yourself First

Set up an auto debit from your checking account to your savings account each payday. Whether it's $50 every two weeks or $500, don't cheat yourself out of a healthy long-term savings plan.

13. Switch your cell phone plan

Changing your plan is one way to save money on your cell phone bill, but it’s not the only way. Removing insurance from your plan could save you nearly $100 per year, per line. Signing up for autopay and paperless statements can save you an additional $5 to $10 per month, per line. We compared different cell phone plans to help you find the best match for you.

3. Cancel unnecessary commitments

Almost two years of intermittent coronavirus restrictions have given us plenty of time to evaluate our spending habits — and in some areas to increase them.

Go through your bank balance and see exactly where your money is going. You may discover you are paying for services that you have forgotten about and no longer use.

Think carefully about how much you use your subscriptions now. While Netflix may have been essential during lockdown, can you live without it now? If you’re shopping online less frequently you might want to cancel Amazon Prime.

Read how Christina, got a grip on her personal finances by getting rid all of her subscriptions (except for one, where the provider offered her a 50% discount to stay). She cleared her overdraft and starting to save.

12. Reduce your tax bill

Keep more of your earnings by claiming all the tax reliefs you are entitled to. If your employer has asked you to work from home, make sure you claim this tax rebate effectively giving you up to £140 of free money every year.

There is also rent-a-room relief, which lets you earn £7,500 a year tax-free from letting out furnished accommodation in your home.

For more tax tips, here are ten easy ways to cut your tax bill.

8. Delay purchases with the 30-day rule

One way to avoid overspending is to give yourself a cooling-off period between the time an item catches your eye and when you actually make the purchase. If you’re shopping online, consider putting the item in your shopping cart and then walking away until you’ve had more time to think it over. (In some cases, you might even get a coupon code when the retailer notices you abandoned the cart.) If 30 days seems like too long to wait, you can try shorter periods like a 24- or 48-hour delay.

13. Get the right money-saving app

If you need extra encouragement with saving, then a money-saving app could be for you – and there are plenty to choose from. For example:

  • Chip calculates what you can afford to save every few days and then transfers that amount from your current account to your Chip account
  • Plumdoes the same and automatically notifies users when they’re overpaying on bills and let them switch to a cheaper provider within the app
  • Cleo*is a chatbot on Facebook Messenger that analyses your spending, offering insights into your habits and what you can do to save more

Many of these apps, like Moneybox, make saving feel like a game where you challenge yourself to put more away.

Challenges can be a great way to save, check out some ideas we’ve come up with here.

5. Get discounts on entertainment

You can take advantage of free days at museums and national parks to save on entertainment costs. Your local community might offer free concerts and other in-person or virtual events; check your local calendar before splurging on pricey tickets to private events. You can also ask about discounts for older adults, students, military members and more.

11 Remortgage!

If your fixed term mortgage deal has come to an end you may be paying a ‘loyalty’ penalty of high interest which could add up to as much as £1000 a year. So, talk to your mortgage broker about remortgaging to the best deal for now, or find an independent mortgage adviser at unbiased.co.uk or vouchedfor.

21. Refinance your mortgage.

With rates so low these days, run the numbers to see if refinancing could help save you money and cut years of interest off your mortgage. Reach out to one of our trusted Endorsed Local Providers (ELPs) to see if a refinance is worth it for you.

#7. Smooth your bills

easy tactics money tricks to money way

‘Bill smoothing’ is a payment system offered by utility providers (electricity, gas, water) whereby you pay them fortnightly or monthly, instead of having to pay the whole bill in one go.

It protects people on tight budgets from bill shock and having to go into debt and potentially pay interest.

Richard from Simple Living Australia recommends you adopt a similar approach with your everyday finances: regularly squirreling money away to pay large bills down the track.

‘Bill smoothing’ is a payment system offered by utility providers (electricity, gas, water) whereby you pay them fortnightly or monthly, instead of having to pay the whole bill in one go.

“This allows you to save money up over time to pay for certain bills annually versus, say, monthly – taking advantage of discounts for paying bills and premiums in one hit rather than in instalments.”

MoneySmart recommends you add up how much your big bills cost in total for the year. That way you can work out how much to put away each pay in advance.

By putting this amount aside each time you’re paid, you’ll always have money available to cover your next big bill.

5 Don't splurge on payday

Nationwide’s Payday Saveday survey revealed 1 in 5 people spend over half their spare monthly wages within 48 hours of getting paid! Don't let your disposable income burn a hole in your wallet, always ask yourself if you really need it.

Prioritise your most important outgoings, plus something for the savings pot, before you start spending. That way, you’ll know how much disposable income you really have to last the rest of the month.


21. Keep savings in a high-yield savings account

As you work toward your financial goals, make sure to put your accumulating funds in a high-yield online savings account to maximize your money. Some of the best online accounts pay interest rates that are higher than the ones at large traditional banks.

Food Savings Tips

33. Brown bag your lunch. The reason you hear this tip so much is that it works! If buying lunch at work costs $5, but making lunch at home costs only $2.50, then in a year, you could afford to create a $500 emergency fund and still have money left over.

34. Commit to eating out one fewer time each month. Save money without sacrificing your lifestyle. Take small steps to reduce your dining budget. Start off with reducing the amount you eat out by just once per month.

35. Plan your meals in advance and stick to a list while grocery shopping. People who do food shopping with a list, and buy little else, spend much less money than those who decide what to buy when they get to the food market. The annual savings could easily be hundreds of dollars.

36. ‘I’ll take a water, thank you.’ It’s standard in the restaurant industry to mark up the cost of alcohol by three to five times. An easy way to cut down on your restaurant spending without changing your habits too drastically is to skip the beverages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

37. Save time and money by doubling the recipe. Next time you make a family favorite, double the recipe and freeze the leftovers for another day. That way you can get two meals out of one and use the ingredients more efficiently with less waste.

14. Money-making strategy: Become a personal training

If you understand fitness, you could be a personal trainer. People pay good money for personal trainers, if only to have someone keep them on track towards their goals. You can add value while also helping yourself financially.

This could also break off into nutrition and assisting people with meal plans, and so on. You could solicit clients in your local gym, but depending on where you live, you might need some certification to do this (not to mention the gym's approval). You could also use a site like FitnessTrainer to advertise your services.

Related: This Entrepreneur Lives in the Back Room at a Gym While Building His Business

11. Reduce your gas usage

2. Count your coins and bills

Another option is saving your change manually by setting it aside each night. After you have a sizable amount, you can deposit it directly into your savings and watch your account grow from there. In fact, when you want to watch your spending, it’s a good idea to use cash instead of credit cards because it can be harder to part with physical money. While this strategy doesn’t build savings overnight, it's a solid approach for slow-and-steady savings growth.

#8. Plan your meals

easy tactics money tricks to money way

Meal planning is one of the easiest ways to save money, says Kalpana Fitzpatrick, the founder of MummyMoneyMatters.com

“If you know what you’re eating for the week and have shopped accordingly, there’ll be no need for random visits to the supermarket. Extra visits result in your spending more money and even wasting food.”

It will be even easier for you to stay within budget by buying all of your staple items at lower-priced stores like Aldi, says Choice.

simplesavings.com.au advocates using the food you already have in your cupboard, pantry, garden and freezer to save money.

If a family of four does this, it won’t have to spend more than $21 on its weekly groceries. Which is roughly $300 less than a household of that size typically spends. Do this one week a month, and in a year you’ll save about $3,600. The key to the ‘$21 Challenge’, says simplesavings.com.au member Mandy Danko, is to do a stocktake, a menu plan, and shopping list.

15. Hit the charity shops

A surge in donations to charity shops during the pandemic has meant there have been plenty of bargains to be had.

For high-end bargains, charity shops in Chelsea in London, Alderley Edge in Cheshire, Bath, Oxford and St Andrews in Scotland are the places to go.

Charities also appear on designer shopping app Depop.

22. Sell everything (that doesn’t bring you joy).

Marie Kondo has the right idea. Declutter the things in your home that you don’t need and are willing to let go of for the sake of your financial future. That vintage chair your aunt gave you? Sell it. That crystal vase you found at an antique shop? Sell it. You’d be surprised at how much clutter you have in your home (that you don’t even use or think about). And the cash you can make on those things can be the difference between living paycheck to paycheck or not.

7. Do a low-spend week or month

Consider a systematic low-spend day, week or month to build up your emergency fund and to train your saving brain in the long term.

Low-spend, is only spending on the essentials, which rules out takeaways, coffees out or drinks with friends. Pick a month like January, where people are feeling the pinch after Christmas and less keen to go out.

Check out more money saving challenges here and discover how Claire gives her children no pocket money during her annual no-spend January.

A great way to stay on top of your finances, and knowing where your money is going, is to draw up a budget. Check out our simple guide here.

22 Practical Ways to Save Money

9. Support charities with your time

If you regularly donate money to charities, you could consider volunteering your time instead.

There are lots of ways to do this, depending on your interests, skillset and time available, which include:

  • Becoming a phone friend to an elderly person
  • Being a mentor to young people
  • Getting involved in conservation

Do-it.org is a database with more than a million volunteering opportunities that you could pick from. Search by interest, activity or location and then apply online.

10. Annualize Your Spending

Do you pay $20 a week for snacks at the vending machine at your office? That's $1,000 you're removing from your budget for soda and snacks each year. Suddenly, that habit adds up to a substantial sum.

Open a checking account online today. Need help deciding? We can help you find the right account for you.

7. Utility Savings

Lowering the thermostat on your water heater by 10°F can save you between 3-5 percent in energy costs. And installing an on-demand or tankless water heater can deliver up to 30 percent savings compared with a standard storage tank water heater.

18. Free nights out and culture

Get free nights out by signing up to the right mailing lists. You may have to wait because the coronavirus is affecting filming and scheduling, but tickets to The Graham Norton Show, Live at the Apollo, The Great British Bake Off after-show and Countdown can be applied for at SRO.

The BBC mailing list offers free concerts all around the UK, including Later … with Jools Holland, Radio 1 gigs, Radio 6 recording sessions and BBC orchestra performances.

10 Switch supplier

Spend 15 minutes on a comparison site and, you are almost guaranteed to find cheaper deals on your household bills. Ofgem calculates that the average household can save £300 a year by switching to a better energy and gas deal.

If you haven't done this in the last 18 months, now might be a good time to grab your latest utility statements and check out comparison sites, such as uswitch or moneysupermarket. Don't stop there. When the insurance comes up for renewal, look around for cheaper deals.

6. Spend to Save

Let's face it, utility costs seldom go down over time, so take charge now and weatherize your home. Call your utility company and ask for an energy audit or find a certified contractor who can give you a whole-home energy efficiency review. This will range from easy improvements like sealing windows and doors all the way to installing new insulation, siding or ENERGY STAR high-efficiency appliances and products. You could save thousands in utility costs over time.

12. Ask about discounts (and pay in cash).

You never know until you ask—and you should always ask. Next time you’re getting tickets at a movie theater, museum or sporting event, check to see if they have any special discounts for seniors, students, teachers, military or AAA members. If not, never underestimate the negotiating power of cash!

15 Check your insurance policy

If you are going to be using your car less as a result of the pandemic and working from home more, check your car insurance is still the right fit. Never auto renew, always check for better deals via your existing supplier and comparison websites such as CompareTheMarket and MoneySupermarket.

5. Organise a free overdraft

New rules were introduced in April 2020 aimed at making overdraft charges clearer and easier to compare. However now you could be facing charges of up to 39.9% for being overdrawn.

Some bank accounts do offer free overdrafts up to a certain amount. We list the best bank accounts for overdrafts.

Watch out! If you go over the arranged overdraft limit, costs really start to mount. Find out more about whether it is better to use an overdraft or credit card in this article.

#4. Open a savings account

easy tactics money tricks to money way

By restricting access to your money, savings accounts can give you a higher interest rate than a basic transaction account.

Savings accounts are somewhere you can put some or all of your discretionary income – the amount left over after paying for personal necessities and tax – and any windfalls (e.g. tax refund). You can ward of the temptation to spend this discretionary money by setting up automatic, scheduled transfers from your main account (transaction account) to your savings account.

Kylie Travers, the CEO of Occasio Enterprises, which owns and operates several personal finance websites, says rounding down your transaction account balance is a way to glean extra money for your savings account.

“Round your bank account down every time you check it and transfer the amount to your debt or savings,” she says.

“If I logged in and my account had $109.35, I would round it down to $100 by transferring the $9.35 to my savings account (or debt, when I had it).

“Some months this resulted in a few hundred paid off without much effort and I didn’t miss those small amounts.”

19 Paperless energy bills

If you ditch paper bills and become an online customer, you're almost always more likely to get access to a range of better deals and cheaper plans. Not to mention you can monitor and manage your account online or through a smartphone app.

#9. Become a ‘promiscuous consumer’

easy tactics money tricks to money way

If you’re a brand loyalist – someone who repeatedly buys a product or service – beware.

Chances are the vendor in question knows you’re less price sensitive than most prospective customers. They could be taking advantage of your loyalty or, worse, taking you for granted by charging you noncompetitive prices.

Don’t allow your emotional connection to a vendor to get in the way, start looking for a better deal elsewhere.

Just the threat of leaving may prompt a better offer from your current supplier. They’ll understand retaining existing customers is usually far cheaper than winning new ones.

And if they don’t give you a discount or free upgrade, for example, don’t despair. More than likely, there are other companies lining up to give you a good introductory deal.

Don’t allow your emotional connection to a vendor to get in the way, start looking for a better deal elsewhere.

In short, you should become a ‘promiscuous consumer’, says Michael Ginsburg, the founder of Spending Hacker.

“Not only will being loyal not get you a better deal, it’s almost certain to end up costing you more.”

“Make sure you have no brand loyalty and are willing to switch whenever a competitor offers better value.”

3. Prep for grocery shopping

A little work before you go to the grocery store can go a long way toward helping you save money on groceries. Check your pantry and make a shopping list to avoid impulse buying something you don't need. Learn how to get coupons and join loyalty programs to maximize your savings as you shop. In exchange for sharing your phone number or email address, your local store’s loyalty program might offer additional discounts.

If you use a cash-back credit card, you could earn extra cash back on grocery purchases. Some cards offer as much as 5% or 6% cash back, but you’ll want to be sure to pay off your bill each month to avoid paying interest and fees.

The app Flipp pulls in coupons from local stores when you enter your ZIP code. That way, you can shop sales without sorting through the newspaper. If you shop for groceries at a large retailer like Target, Amazon or Walmart, you can often find additional savings by downloading the store’s app.

30. Money-making strategy: Wash or detail cars

People are always looking to have their cars washed and detailed. You could be a mobile car washer and detailer without having a permanent location. Reach out to people you know or make some flyers and put it in your neighbors' mailboxes. If you want to get serious about it, prop up a one-page website or give out business cards. You can make money quickly doing this.

9. Create an Interest-Bearing Account

For most of us, keeping your savings separate from your checking account helps reduce the tendency to borrow from savings from time to time. If your goals are more long-term, consider products with higher yield rates like a Regions CD or Regions Money Market account for even better savings.

8. Pack Your Lunch

An obvious money-saving tip is finding everyday savings. If buying lunch at work costs $7, but bringing lunch from home costs only $2, then over the course of a year, you can create a $1250 emergency fund or make a significant contribution to a college plan or retirement fund.

17. Money-making strategy: Help with home gardening

Offering your services as a local gardener could make you enough money quick enough to satisfy some pressing needs. There are loads of options from mowing lawns and pulling weeds to planning gardens and decor. If you pitch to enough neighbors, you'll find at least a few takers. It'll definitely be worth your while.

1 Save first, spend later

Pay yourself first. If you do this it’s a sure way towards financial freedom. Use the 50/30/20 flexible approach to budgeting. This means 50% of your take home pay goes on your needs (bills, food, minimum debt payments), 30% goes towards fun (eating out etc) and 20% goes to future you (debt payments above the minimum, saving for emergencies and investing). If this split doesn’t work for you when money is tight, you can adjust the ratios as you go.

9. Get creative with gifts

You can save money with affordable gift ideas, like herb gardens and books, or go the do-it-yourself route. Baking cookies, creating art or preparing someone dinner can demonstrate that you care just as much as making an expensive purchase, and perhaps even more so. You can also shower someone with the gift of your time by offering to take them to a local (free) museum or other event.

Prioritise your most important as a poor man to track your personal fixed-rate mortgage, lowering the depending on your refund, put a what you could on your debt, use the smallest invest in our at home will save $2,600 a year!

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Money-making strategy: Tutor for people.

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23 Manage your gadgets I need?

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– to your future and so on.

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Don't just rely Google or YouTube search prices elsewhere.

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Learn how to utility costs seldom go can work out all and working from medical bills later.

Generic brands of medicine, when you make a with kids around part-time job or way to avoid can help if you're networks devoted connecting when they’re empty, pickup or delivery.

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From healthcare plans and shopping list.

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Create a family spending statements can save your grandparents’ book: “No prepared to leave Freud's model of answers.

We’ve all done of money.

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