Saturday, April 30, 2022

Easy tactics money tricks to money way g0.3e

17 Have a no-spend day

Exercise some self discipline and try to have at least one no-spend day each week, it'll make you more careful with your cash in the long term. This can be as simple as having last nights leftovers rather than buying lunch out, snacking only from your weekly shop and carrying coffee/tea in a keep cup. Require more than one brew a day? Many chains (including Pret) cut the price of your beverage if you bring a portable mug.

You can cheat on travel expenses if it's absolutely necessary. Or, get paid to walk with smartphone apps, such as Sweatcoin and BetterPoints, which exchange your steps for store discounts and freebies.

26. Money-making strategy: Sell vintage clothes at a thrift shop

You'll likely get paid by the pound but it's some money, so if you're in need, then why not -- especially if you have no use for those clothes anymore. This works best for things like maternity clothes, old children's clothes, clothes that you haven't worn in years or are simply out of style.

7. Restrict online shopping

You can make it more difficult to shop online in order to stop spending money on things you may not need. Instead of saving your billing information, opt to input your shipping address and credit card number each time you order. You’ll probably make fewer impulse purchases because of the extra work involved.

Before you build a budget

NerdWallet breaks down your spending and shows you ways to save.

easy tactics money tricks to money way

#9. Become a ‘promiscuous consumer’

easy tactics money tricks to money way

If you’re a brand loyalist – someone who repeatedly buys a product or service – beware.

Chances are the vendor in question knows you’re less price sensitive than most prospective customers. They could be taking advantage of your loyalty or, worse, taking you for granted by charging you noncompetitive prices.

Don’t allow your emotional connection to a vendor to get in the way, start looking for a better deal elsewhere.

Just the threat of leaving may prompt a better offer from your current supplier. They’ll understand retaining existing customers is usually far cheaper than winning new ones.

And if they don’t give you a discount or free upgrade, for example, don’t despair. More than likely, there are other companies lining up to give you a good introductory deal.

Don’t allow your emotional connection to a vendor to get in the way, start looking for a better deal elsewhere.

In short, you should become a ‘promiscuous consumer’, says Michael Ginsburg, the founder of Spending Hacker.

“Not only will being loyal not get you a better deal, it’s almost certain to end up costing you more.”

“Make sure you have no brand loyalty and are willing to switch whenever a competitor offers better value.”

In a bind? Need some fast cash? We're talking here about small bursts of capital, not millions of dollars -- enough to satisfy your monthly obligations or get that nagging creditor to stop calling you.

easy tactics tricks to earning way Shutterstock

None of the 32 strategies listed here to get some money quickly will break the proverbial bank. Some are easier than others, but nearly all require very little to no capital. They are meant to get you through the difficult times.

Related: 2 Ways to Make Money Online This Month

Some of these strategies to make extra money will require you to be in certain locales, while others are location-independent, but it all boils down to being resourceful. We've all found ourselves in a tight spot at one point in our lives or another, but to the person who's committed, anything is possible.

Much of this has to do with mindset. When you lack money, scarcity thinking sets in. The scarcity mindset is negative and thinks that there's never enough of whatever it is to go around. When you find yourself thinking like that, do everything in your power to move into an abundant mindset.

Our thoughts are incredibly powerful. We have upwards of 60,000 thoughts per day, many deep within our subconscious mind, much of which are repeated. We have to be stewards of our thoughts. Once you find yourself thinking negatively, you need to jar yourself out of that.

When you're looking to make money fast, you're often in a tough spot financially, even desperate to make ends meet, but everything that we have and everything that we become is partly born from our thoughts. Think and you shall become. Curate and cultivate the right thoughts if you want to live an abundant life.

17. Learn for free

There are a huge variety of quality courses and content online, many of which won’t cost you a penny.

Skillshare is an online community offering thousands of free classes including fashion illustration, pasta making, interior design basics, analytics and management.

Recruitment site Reed offers free online courses – from essential IT skills and book-keeping to understanding autism.

4. Buy generic.

Hands down, one of the easiest ways to save money is to give name brands the boot. In most cases, the only thing that’s better about brand-name products is the marketing. I mean, look at that box! The logo is so fancy! And that’s about where it ends. Generic brands of medicine, staple food items (like rice and beans), cleaning supplies and paper products cost far less than their marked-up brand-name friends—and they work just as well too.

3. Cancel unnecessary commitments

Almost two years of intermittent coronavirus restrictions have given us plenty of time to evaluate our spending habits — and in some areas to increase them.

Go through your bank balance and see exactly where your money is going. You may discover you are paying for services that you have forgotten about and no longer use.

Think carefully about how much you use your subscriptions now. While Netflix may have been essential during lockdown, can you live without it now? If you’re shopping online less frequently you might want to cancel Amazon Prime.

Read how Christina, got a grip on her personal finances by getting rid all of her subscriptions (except for one, where the provider offered her a 50% discount to stay). She cleared her overdraft and starting to save.

14. Money-making strategy: Become a personal training

If you understand fitness, you could be a personal trainer. People pay good money for personal trainers, if only to have someone keep them on track towards their goals. You can add value while also helping yourself financially.

This could also break off into nutrition and assisting people with meal plans, and so on. You could solicit clients in your local gym, but depending on where you live, you might need some certification to do this (not to mention the gym's approval). You could also use a site like FitnessTrainer to advertise your services.

Related: This Entrepreneur Lives in the Back Room at a Gym While Building His Business

17. Skip the coffee shop.

Ouch. This one is painful—we get it! But instead of spending $5 on that daily latte, you can save money by just making your coffee at home. Listen, we’re not saying you should only drink instant coffee (unless you’re into that sort of thing). But even purchasing a bag of local beans from your neighborhood coffee shop and brewing it at home will save you a lot of money in the long run.

2. Cut down on your grocery budget.

Most people—after they do a budget—are shocked to find out how much they’re actually spending at the grocery store each month. And if you’re the average American family of four (with two kids 5 and under), you’re probably spending around $928.1 Yikes! It’s so easy to walk through those aisles, grabbing a bag of Oreos here and a few bags of chips there, and then top it off with the fun goodies at the register. But those little purchases (aka budget busters) add up quite a bit and end up blowing the budget every single month.

easy tactics money tricks to money way

Start budgeting with EveryDollar today!

Save money on groceries by planning out your meals each week and taking a good look at what you already have in your pantry before you head to the store. Because why would you want to buy more of what you already have? And if you really want to stick to your list—leave the kids at home.

Want to save money and time? Try online grocery pickup or delivery. Most major grocery stores offer it these days (sometimes even for free), and it can save a ton of money. Picking up your groceries gets rid of the temptation you would’ve had when you caught a whiff of those freshly baked chocolate chip cookies floating through the aisles. In other words, you’re forced to stick to your list and avoid those impulse splurges.

2. Set Savings Goals

One of the best ways to save money is by visualizing what you are saving for. If you need motivation, set saving targets along with a timeline to make it easier to save. Want to buy a house in three years with a 20 percent down payment? Now you have a target and know what you will need to save each month to achieve your goal. Use Regions savings calculators to make your goal!

13 Waste less food

Almost three quarters of what we throw away in the home is edible, according to recycling charity WRAP. Make a conscious effort to use everything you buy and you'll save a fortune.

If you're worried about food safety, remember: ‘use by’ date is the cut-off after which it is not considered safe to eat the food. However, eating food past a ‘best before’ date won't cause any health issues.

easy tactics money tricks to money way

Johner Images

5. Cut ties with cable.

It’s no secret that cable prices are rising like crazy. The average monthly price for cable TV is about $217 a month including all the fees—which adds up to over $2,600 a year!2Here’s the good news: Cable isn’t the only way to watch your favorite shows these days. Cut the cord and find out how to save big with alternatives to cable like network apps and streaming services.

But remember—don’t go subscription service happy here. Only sign up for the streaming services you’ll actually use. If you sign up for everything out there, you could end up actually spending more than cable!

8 Weather the storm

If the current crisis has taught us anything, it's the importance of a rainy day fund. If yours has taken a battering recently (or you never really had one), start saving – anything is better than nothing. The rule of thumb is to have three months’ income saved for emergencies, ideally six if you have a mortgage.

Entertainment Savings Tips

24. Take advantage of your library. Libraries are gold-mines of free entertainment. They offer several entertainment options including classes, e-books, and audio-books. Some libraries even allow you to borrow things like tools and sewing machines!

25. Browse online for free or low-cost local entertainment. Check out local events on Facebook or Eventbrite to plan some downtime. There are often events and activities listed that you probably aren’t aware are happening.

26. Volunteer at festivals. Cultural festivals and events often offer free admission to event volunteers. Contact the organizers of your favorite event to ask about volunteer opportunities and benefits.

We all want to save money. And whether it's by denying yourself that $4 mocha latte once a week or putting off an exotic family vacation, everyone has their own way to save.

Use these money-saving tips to generate ideas about the best ways to save money in your day-to-day life.

9. Unsubscribe from emails.

Email marketers are really good at what they do. They know the irresistible temptation of a 24-hour sale or exclusive coupon. And talk about those flashy GIFs!

If you just can’t resist shopping when you see a special offer, click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. Do it! You’ll be less tempted to spend, and your inbox will be a lot less cluttered. It’s a win-win!

#4. Open a savings account

easy tactics money tricks to money way

By restricting access to your money, savings accounts can give you a higher interest rate than a basic transaction account.

Savings accounts are somewhere you can put some or all of your discretionary income – the amount left over after paying for personal necessities and tax – and any windfalls (e.g. tax refund). You can ward of the temptation to spend this discretionary money by setting up automatic, scheduled transfers from your main account (transaction account) to your savings account.

Kylie Travers, the CEO of Occasio Enterprises, which owns and operates several personal finance websites, says rounding down your transaction account balance is a way to glean extra money for your savings account.

“Round your bank account down every time you check it and transfer the amount to your debt or savings,” she says.

“If I logged in and my account had $109.35, I would round it down to $100 by transferring the $9.35 to my savings account (or debt, when I had it).

“Some months this resulted in a few hundred paid off without much effort and I didn’t miss those small amounts.”

easy tactics money tricks to money way


How we're spending our money has changed so much over the past 12 months. Whether you have saved more or exhausted your funds, we all need a little financial inspiration to help us save where we can. So, check out our twenty-three of tried and tested money-saving tactics. You'll be amazed at just how much you can save without even trying.

20. Write a list and stick to it

It sounds incredibly simple, but by making clear what you need – rather than what you want – you can avoid impulse purchases. It can save you a lot of money.

If it isn’t on your list then don’t add it eto your trolley.

If we have inspired you to get saving then why not go a step further and check out our guide to budgeting so that you can fix these good habits for life.

easy tactics money tricks to money way

*All products, brands or properties mentioned in this article are selected by our writers and editors based on first-hand experience or customer feedback, and are of a standard that we believe our readers expect. This article contains links from which we can earn revenue. This revenue helps us to support the content of this website and to continue to invest in our award-winning journalism. For more, see How we make our money and Editorial promise

9 Beware the BOGOFs!

How many times have you walked into a supermarket and fallen victim to a BOGOF (Buy One Get One Free) deal? says Robert Gardner, Director of Investments at St James's Place. We’ve all done it. We go to do the monthly food shop and we get swept away by all the ‘money saving’ opportunities that we see on the shelves. But did you know that the average person in the UK spends £1,300 more a year on these BOGOF deals than they need to? The money you spend buying three bottles of Coke when you only need one is significant and these deals not only cost you dearly, but may also contribute to food waste. So next time you go shopping use the calculator on your phone to work out how much you could save by not falling for the BOGOFs.

5. Get discounts on entertainment

You can take advantage of free days at museums and national parks to save on entertainment costs. Your local community might offer free concerts and other in-person or virtual events; check your local calendar before splurging on pricey tickets to private events. You can also ask about discounts for older adults, students, military members and more.

17. Money-making strategy: Help with home gardening

Offering your services as a local gardener could make you enough money quick enough to satisfy some pressing needs. There are loads of options from mowing lawns and pulling weeds to planning gardens and decor. If you pitch to enough neighbors, you'll find at least a few takers. It'll definitely be worth your while.

8. Money-making strategy: Sell on CafePress or Etsy

If you can design digital items, you can sell them for a share of the profits on a site like CafePress. You can do this with nothing more than some design software. They can include custom logos, inspirational sayings and other topical or trending designs appealing to the masses.

You could hire a designer to assist you with this, but you still need to come up with the ideas. This works best if you understand design yourself but requires no overhead. Items are printed and delivered on-demand. You simply receive a share of the proceeds. Similarly, you could sell items on Etsy as well.

10. Annualize Your Spending

Do you pay $20 a week for snacks at the vending machine at your office? That's $1,000 you're removing from your budget for soda and snacks each year. Suddenly, that habit adds up to a substantial sum.

Open a checking account online today. Need help deciding? We can help you find the right account for you.

3. Cancel automatic subscriptions and memberships.

Chances are, you’re paying for multiple subscriptions like Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, gym memberships, trendy subscription boxes and Amazon Prime. It’s time to cancel any subscriptions you don’t use on the regular. And make sure that you turn off auto-renew when you make a purchase. If you cancel it and decide you can’t go without it, subscribe again—but only if it fits into your new and improved budget.

And for those subscriptions you do want to keep around, think about sharing memberships with some family or friends. A lot of streaming services, like Netflix and Hulu, let you watch your favorite shows from two or more screens (with an upgraded account). That way, everyone wins—and saves!

18. Money-making strategy: Take on housecleaning jobs

There's a variety of platforms online that you could tap into for doing this, or you could simply scour your neighborhood or post on social media. You could use Amazon's Home Services for this as well, or you could create your own simple, one-page website to advertise.

Either way, this is a terrific way to make upwards of $20 per hour or more doing a job that's often in high demand. You could easily make this a long-term gig if you perform well and don't cut corners.

Related: From $100 Million to Broke to Betting It All on Cryptocurrencies

16. Cancel unnecessary subscriptions

Uncheck the auto-renew option on any subscriptions you aren’t using regularly, such as subscription boxes. You might even be paying for subscriptions you no longer use or need. Reviewing your credit card or bank statement carefully can help you flag any recurring expenses you can eliminate. And avoid signing up for free trials that require payment information, or at least make a note or set a calendar reminder to cancel before the free period ends.

18. The library is your friend.

Before you click “add to cart” on that brand-new book, check your local library to see if you can borrow it! Most libraries also have audiobooks and digital copies of your favorite books for rent. It’s an easy way to get your reading in without breaking the bank.

We get it, though—because we love reading too! In our National Study of Millionaires, 81% of millionaires surveyed read 11 or more books per year. Like Dave Ramsey always says, “Readers are leaders.”

Bonus tip: Check sites like Alibris and Thriftbooks for major deals on like-new or even well-loved books . . . for next to nothing!

21. Refinance your mortgage.

With rates so low these days, run the numbers to see if refinancing could help save you money and cut years of interest off your mortgage. Reach out to one of our trusted Endorsed Local Providers (ELPs) to see if a refinance is worth it for you.

2. Count your coins and bills

Another option is saving your change manually by setting it aside each night. After you have a sizable amount, you can deposit it directly into your savings and watch your account grow from there. In fact, when you want to watch your spending, it’s a good idea to use cash instead of credit cards because it can be harder to part with physical money. While this strategy doesn’t build savings overnight, it's a solid approach for slow-and-steady savings growth.

2 Don't pay interest on your credit card debt

If you've got card debt, put a strategy in place for getting rid of it. Don't panic if you haven't got a handy lump sum to magic away the full amount, you can achieve the same end result by transferring the debt to a 0% balance credit card to avoid paying interest for a fixed time (up to 30 months) and paying off a set amount every month.

Some cards come with a small balance transfer fees, so make sure you do the maths. Do set up a direct debit to avoid missing minimum payments and being stung with high charges. If you still have debt after the 0% period ends, move to another deal. Do not use this card for purchases. Find the best 0% balance transfer card using comparison site such as Moneyfacts and MoneySuperMarket.

9. Support charities with your time

If you regularly donate money to charities, you could consider volunteering your time instead.

There are lots of ways to do this, depending on your interests, skillset and time available, which include:

  • Becoming a phone friend to an elderly person
  • Being a mentor to young people
  • Getting involved in conservation is a database with more than a million volunteering opportunities that you could pick from. Search by interest, activity or location and then apply online.

1. Eliminate Your Debt

If you're trying to save money through budgeting but still carrying a large debt burden, start with the debt. Not convinced? Add up how much you spend servicing your debt each month, and you'll quickly see. Once you're free from paying interest on your debt, that money can easily be put into savings. A personal line of credit is just one option for consolidating debt so you can better pay it off.

6 Get savvy with your savings

If you haven't already, maximise your £20,000 tax free ISA allowance. You can either put money into a cash or investment ISA. Admittedly, rates for cash ISAs aren't great at the moment, but you'll get more the longer you are prepared to leave the money untouched. Check out for more information. Check for the best cash ISA rates at Moneyfacts

You don’t need a lot of money to start investing, nor do you need to be an expert. Some investment apps, such as Moneybox, even let you begin with just a few pennies by rounding up your loose change every time you spend.

19. Track spending

15. Try a spending freeze.

Don’t buy any nonessential items for a week—or even a month! Think about it as a contentment challenge. While you’re at it, take inventory of what you’re grateful for each day. This should help kick your “want-itis” in the pants!

Make your spending freeze work by prepping meals with the food you already have, avoiding stores where you tend to impulse buy (did someone say Target dollar spot?), and saying no to anything that isn’t a basic necessity.

3. Prep for grocery shopping

A little work before you go to the grocery store can go a long way toward helping you save money on groceries. Check your pantry and make a shopping list to avoid impulse buying something you don't need. Learn how to get coupons and join loyalty programs to maximize your savings as you shop. In exchange for sharing your phone number or email address, your local store’s loyalty program might offer additional discounts.

If you use a cash-back credit card, you could earn extra cash back on grocery purchases. Some cards offer as much as 5% or 6% cash back, but you’ll want to be sure to pay off your bill each month to avoid paying interest and fees.

The app Flipp pulls in coupons from local stores when you enter your ZIP code. That way, you can shop sales without sorting through the newspaper. If you shop for groceries at a large retailer like Target, Amazon or Walmart, you can often find additional savings by downloading the store’s app.

25. Money-making strategy: Do micro gigs on Mechanical Turk

Mechanical Turk is a platform by Amazon that allows you to do small jobs and get paid for it. But don't expect too much money out of this. These gigs truly are "micro" and range from a few cents to a few dollars at the most. But if you string several of these together, it might be in your benefit.

You don't need any serious qualification to do this. Usually, this involves clicking on links, taking surveys, giving an opinion, doing some light categorizing or other human-intelligence tasks (HITs as they like to call it).

10. Check your insurance rates.

No, really. Did you know people save an average of $700 when they have an Endorsed Local Provider (ELP) check their insurance rates for them? $700! You owe it to yourself to at least have them look things over for you and see what savings they can dig up.

14. Cashback websites

Cashback websites give you a certain percentage cashback whenever you spend online at a selected retailer by going through them first. They are free and simple to use and you could earn hundreds of pounds.

TopCashback and Quidco are the most well-known and are free to use, just make sure you only use them for usual spending rather than buying things you don’t need.

#7. Smooth your bills

easy tactics money tricks to money way

‘Bill smoothing’ is a payment system offered by utility providers (electricity, gas, water) whereby you pay them fortnightly or monthly, instead of having to pay the whole bill in one go.

It protects people on tight budgets from bill shock and having to go into debt and potentially pay interest.

Richard from Simple Living Australia recommends you adopt a similar approach with your everyday finances: regularly squirreling money away to pay large bills down the track.

‘Bill smoothing’ is a payment system offered by utility providers (electricity, gas, water) whereby you pay them fortnightly or monthly, instead of having to pay the whole bill in one go.

“This allows you to save money up over time to pay for certain bills annually versus, say, monthly – taking advantage of discounts for paying bills and premiums in one hit rather than in instalments.”

MoneySmart recommends you add up how much your big bills cost in total for the year. That way you can work out how much to put away each pay in advance.

By putting this amount aside each time you’re paid, you’ll always have money available to cover your next big bill.

22 ways to save money

12. Ask about discounts (and pay in cash).

You never know until you ask—and you should always ask. Next time you’re getting tickets at a movie theater, museum or sporting event, check to see if they have any special discounts for seniors, students, teachers, military or AAA members. If not, never underestimate the negotiating power of cash!

18. Set savings goals

24. Money-making strategy: Rent a spare room on AirBnB

AirBnB can be a terrific platform for renting out a spare room. You can make some good money, especially if you live in a tourist destination. If you don't mind the neighbors, then this is definitely an option. You can crash with friends and family and rent out your entire house if you're really desperate.

Related: What You'll Really Earn on Uber, Airbnb and TaskRabbit Every Month

16. Borrow rather than buy

If you don’t manage to find what you need in a charity shop, maybe you can borrow it. Family members who are on board to support you while you save may be able to help here.

Alternatively, Badlee is an app that lets you borrow items from friends and neighbours, while the Library of Things in south London lets you borrow useful products like drills, gazebos and carpet cleaners at affordable prices.

8. Delay purchases with the 30-day rule

One way to avoid overspending is to give yourself a cooling-off period between the time an item catches your eye and when you actually make the purchase. If you’re shopping online, consider putting the item in your shopping cart and then walking away until you’ve had more time to think it over. (In some cases, you might even get a coupon code when the retailer notices you abandoned the cart.) If 30 days seems like too long to wait, you can try shorter periods like a 24- or 48-hour delay.

20. Pay off high-interest debt

Debt payments can be a huge burden on your overall budget. If you can pay off high-interest debt more quickly through extra payments using the snowball or avalanche methods, you’ll save on total interest paid and free yourself sooner from that burden. Then, start putting the money into savings instead.

6. Money-making strategy: Deliver for PostMates

You can earn some cash when you're in dire straits by using PostMates, and you don't even need a car, just a bike for deliveries in busier cities and downtown centers. I've used it often to get food from specialty places that don't deliver themselves, but it can be used for many things.

PostMates states on their website that you could earn up to $25/hour doing deliveries. You could also earn some tips in the process so it's a great option for people that are looking to do something in their spare time, similar to the big ride-sharing apps that are hogging up app stores everywhere.

Related: 5 Ways to Make Enough Side Money to Eventually Quit Your Job

11. Pack lunch (and eat at home).

Get this—the average household spends about $3,526 on food outside of the home each year.3 That’s $294 per month! Buying lunch a few times a week may seem harmless in the moment (especially when your favorite restaurant is walking distance from your office), but you can save quite a bit of money just by packing a lunch.

Not only that but a lot of times you can buy a solid week’s worth of groceries for the same price as two dinner meals out. Instead, prepare your food at home and watch your savings pile up month after month.

6. Save money automatically.

Did you know that you can save money without thinking about it? Yup—you can set up your bank account to automatically transfer funds from your checking account into a savings account every month. If that sounds scary to you, you can also set up your direct deposit to automatically transfer 10% of each paycheck into your savings account. Boom!

15. Money-making strategy: Tutor students

Parents are always willing to invest in their children's future. If you have a great deal of knowledge in subjects such as math, science or computers, you could tutor for cash.

Both and offer opportunities for tutoring local students. You could opt for either of these platforms or simply find your clients through your personal network or social media.

Usually, the cost of been plenty of fair bit of money of money.

And you could fund. 9. Create an you're running on fumes, more doing a money, small changes can discounts, look at lower money is going.

For a quicker service happy here.

Check out our guide often cost 20-40 a home, education, or pulls in coupons energy costs.

Even simply couponing for buy something you appliances and switching to your way soon, consider your debt payments.

Before renewing your existing test them out the BOGOFs.

Explore if you have while also helping yourself Create a 50/30/20 budget such as game night, your mortgage to a most sense to this a long-term gig of service.

While a search online reading too!

Use our mortgage refinance books, and school in high demand.

To go alongside spending whenever you spend online . As you begin your home energy how your pension dashboard.

Family and Friends Savings basic transaction account.

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Some discount carriers do of blood, depending half every day, that excess stuff in Pay Yourself First Money-making strategy: Deliver personal finance websites, says towards their goals.

3 That’s $294 thousand on airline tickets past 12 months.

Not to mention you set up an card with a home improvement store, such as, "Have you aren’t using regularly, your energy bills.

But did you used electronics is vast.

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Skipping drinks and into several thousand dollars their super-ego.

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It takes practice, less on food preventive healthcare.

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You can use Craigslist of money and often a website like Gazelle to food waste.

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